Finally, a page where all of you can make comments! "Just Between You and Me" is a new feature with my usual random musings. However, now you can get your say in. Near the bottom of the page, you can submit comments. The form asks for first and last name, but you can put anything in there. Try it out.
My friends Steve and Carol wake up every morning to this view in their oceanside Maui home. They can't count on the rainbow every day, but so what. It's just a minor perk. They say the whales come to visit in March and Steve can probably windsurf every day. Hard to believe, but you do get a little desensitized after while. Carol says she hardly notices the view any more. But we can certainly enjoy it. Click on the pic for a larger image.
Questions from a 4-year-old. One 4-year-old grandson is enough to keep up with. Click on the image below to see 4 of them. Someone should write a handbook on how to answer kids questions. When I cut some camillas for a bouquet, Miles asked me if I was killing the flowers. He asks me if I am mad or just kinda grumpy. He wants to know where the train is going, where homeless people live, and what snakes eat for breakfast. Sometimes I simply say, "I don't know." We bought him a ball cap he wanted at the mall. When we got in the car, he says, "where's my hat? I loosed it. I am sad because I loosed my hat. I am not cool any more." We assured him that he was always cool. In a few moments he found the hat beside him and all was right with the world once again. Special moments.
Check out some reader comments in the archives.