Reader Comments: I'm so excited to get reader comments that I will post almost anything you send. My hairdresser/friend/mentor wrote and says that Bella (in her almost crying picture) is saying "Oh, my grandma has white hair!" You don't suppose she's hinting that I should have a color job, do you? She also corrected me on my caption for the hostas. Hostas do bloom. Just not now.
Another friend wrote the following:" I didn't know you were so funny. I've known you for almost 20 years and you never were funny at work--in fact, if you remember lunch could have been quite boring if it hadn't been for me. It's nice to have friends, isn't it?" This friend, whom I call Princess, obviously has a healthy ego. I must admit, however, she is quite entertaining.
My friend from Maui writes that "it's wonderful to hear mundane things when you live far away. It keeps you close." I have asked her for a few pictures for us to drool over, but she hasn't forked over anything yet.
My friend who is taking a 2-month RV trip up the east coast said some nice things. I've also asked her for pictures. Last email she was in Tennessee.
Thanks so much for your comments and taking a gander at my little website!
Confession:My confession has already gone to archives. Don't expect anything too sensational.